Fake Academic Credentials (Degrees) in Liberia

Posted March 14, 2023
by Martin K. N. Kollie

Compiled by Martin K. N. Kollie Lead Campaigner, Campaigners for Academic Crimes Court (CACC)

Breaking News (Get To Know Them)… The first list of Academic Fraudsters is OUT: What CACC has done in no time?
CACC writes… The first list is out. We are taking them to Court. We have gathered enough evidence to sue. Without any support, CACC has done this. We will be coming to you for your support asap.

1) Deo Delany, Disgraced LBDI CEO – Fake Master’s and Postgraduate Credentials
2) VP Jewel Howard-Taylor – Fake Master’s in Banking and Finance
3) Speaker Bhofal Chambers – Fake Master’s and Ph.D. in Criminal Justice
4) Pro-Temp Albert Chie – Fake M.Sc. in Petroleum Geology
5) Deputy Finance Minister Samora Wolokolie – Fake Master’s and Ph.D. in Accounting
6) Ambassador Isaac W. Nyenabo – Fake Ph.D. in Political Science
7) LIPA Director Alexander B. Yonly – Fake Ph.D. Education
8)Senator Milton Teahjay – Fake Master’s in Public Administration
9) Senator Jim Tornalah – Two fake Ph.Ds. in Leadership and Ministry
10) Representative Alex C. Grant – Fake B.Sc. in Sociology
11) Former Agriculture Minister Mogana Flomo – Two fake Ph.Ds. in Chemical Engineering and Epidemiology
12) Mr. Arthur T. Johnson – Fake Ph.D. in Legal Studies
13) Mr. Ambrue Nebo – Fake Ph.D. in Sociology
14) Mr. Eric Filor Nagbe and all AIU graduates – Fake Ph.D. in Accountancy
15) Mr. Josephus Gray – Fake Ph.D. in International Relations
16) Mr. Bill M. Gayflor – Fake Ph.D. in Computer Science
17) Mr. James McClain – Fake Ph.D. in Environmental and Occupational Health
19) Mr. Stephen Saah Lendeh – Fake Master’s and Ph.D.
20) Mr. Darlington George – Fake Master’s in Aviation
21) Mr. Emmanuel Sieh Wreh – Fake online Ph.D. in Education Leadership
22) Mr. Mleh Too Wesley – Fake Ph.D. in Divinity
23) Mr. Samuel Bennett – Fake Ph.D.
24) Mr. Isaac Padmore and all graduates from LSU – Fake Doctorate of Education
25) Mr. Shalom M. S. Nimene – Fake Master’s and Ph.D.
26) Mr. Solomon S. Y. Jallayu – Fake LL.B., Ph.D., and No first Degree
27) Mr. Andrew Sackie Allakamenin – Fake Ph.D.
28) Mr. Jeremiah Z. Whaploe – Fake Ph.D.
29) Mr. George Weagbe – Fake Ph.D.
30) Mr. Alton V. Kesselly – Fake Master’s
31) Mr. Prince Keplah – Fake Master’s
32) Mr. Philibert G. Toe – Fake Master's

Others that do not have any Ph.D. or Doctoral Degree (Do NOT call them “Dr.”).
Honorary of Divinity and Humane Letters are NOT to be used:

1) Minister Ansu Sonii – Honorary from Starz Computer School on the Airfield
2) Mr. Nathaniel Blama – Honorary from Carver Bible School at ELWA Community
3) Mr. Alvin E. Attah – Honorary from AMEU on Camp Johnson Road
4) Mr. Benjamin Lartey – Honorary from AMEZU on Benson Street
5) Mr. Anthony Dioh – Honorary of Divinity, UMU VPAA
6) Mr. Richard V. Tolbert – J.D. is not a Ph.D. It is the equivalent of LL.B.
7) Mr. Garmondeh Clinton – J.D. is not a Ph.D. It is the equivalent of LL.B.
8) Mr. Moses Owen Brown – Honorary from a fake school
Part 2 of this list will be released soon…

Signed: Martin K. N. Kollie Lead Campaigner, Campaigners for Academic Crimes Court (CACC) 


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Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA